Ultrasonic bark collars are similar to citronella and shock collars in that they can be worn and are activated by your dog’s barking vibrations. They engage in this behavior to communicate. Dogs engage in this behavior quite frequently. Even if the owner is unaware of it, dogs bark at times. However, in most cases, barking is not entirely alleviated through this type of behavior. Barks are a common way for owners to get their attention while on the phone with their pets. When dogs bark, they are motivated to seek out their owners. When a dog runs into circles or barks, it can be irritating it’s usually because a toy or phone ring. Children may have barking problems if they are laughing or playing outside. High-pitched noises, such as the tea pot’s whistle, are common in dogs’ barks. In an emergency, dogs frequently bark at the sirens of fire trucks and ambulance vehicles. By employing a few techniques, you can change your dog’s motivation for barking. High-pitched sounds, specifically those made to induce barking fits, have been linked to dog behavior problems. Dogs may also bark at the sound of a car or train passing by, or at the sound of a plane flying overhead. Some dogs may bark at the sound of another dog barking, while others may bark at the sound of a person walking by. There are many different sounds that can cause dogs to bark. In any case, if your dog is barking at your ringtone, it’s likely because they’re feeling a bit uneasy about the sound. It’s possible that the sound of the ringtone is similar to something that has startled the dog in the past, or it could simply be that the dog is not used to the sound. Dogs typically bark when they hear a loud noise, and this is often the case when they hear a ringtone.